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Legal notice of the website Voix de l'animation, voies de l'éducation

Ownership of the site:
The blog-site Voix de l'animation, voies de l'éducation is owned by Namfone Marie Dutour, president at the Réseau Animation Formation et Éducation Libre (AFEL) Code School according to the following contact information:

Namfone Marie Dutour

Adress: Édouard Vaillant Street, 25th, 37000 Tours

Phone: 06 04 15 05 93

Hosting of the site:

The site Voix de l'animation, voies de l'éducation is hosted by Wix whose coordinates are these:

Wix Inc.
Address: Terry A Francois Boulevard, 500th, 94158 San Francisco
Phone: +1 415 639 9034.

Administrative status and billing:

Namfone Marie Dutour carries out its activity under the status of the wage portage. As such, he is a member of Webportage NODALYS, which ensures the administrative management of his activity and whose coordinates follow:

Webportage NODALYS

RCS Salon de Provence: 483 180 80

Address of invoicing: Escapade building, Building E, Paul Jullien Avenue, 13100 Le Tholonet


Phone: 04 42 12 44 44
The invoices are consequently established in the name of webportage. For more information, click on Webportage, company of wage portage.

The intellectual property rights relating to the site Voix de l'animation, voies de l'éducation belong to Namfone Marie Dutour. Any use, reproduction, distribution, marketing, modification of all or part of the site, without the permission of Namfone Marie Dutour is prohibited and may result in actions and legal proceedings as provided for by the code of intellectual property and / or the civil code. According to Article 29 of the Decree of May 9, 2007, failure to comply with any of the points listed above may be punishable by a fine of up to 750€ (Penal Code, Chapter 1, Subsection 4, Article 131-13).

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