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Safer Internet Day (SID)

Safer Internet Day (SID) is a global day for a safe Internet, aimed at young people, their families, education and child protection professionals. Safer Internet Day is part of the school calendar and is one of the highlights of the Ministry of Education's PHARE program. The PHARE program is a stalking/harassment prevention plan for schools and colleges that will be extended to all schools and institutions at the start of the 2021 school year. We are going to present here 3 resources: "La Famille Tout-Ecran", The Sims 4 and "Les Clés des Médias"/"Vinz and Lou".

-"La Famille Tout-Ecran" is the result of a collective dynamic that is interministerial (Ministry of Education, Ministry of Culture), interinstitutional (France Télévisions, Radio France, CSA, CNIL, Educnum collective, CNRS Images, CAF) and interassociative (Unaf, Ceméa, Ligue de l'enseignement, Parents 3.0, Icem-Pédagogie Freinet, Jets d'encre). This series shows us a family, which is neither perfect nor ideal, but which resembles those we know: blended but united, connected but sometimes overwhelmed, and above all joyful, full of life and eager to find answers to the questions posed by the digital world. The parents, Erwan and Myriam, are connected but still in the process of taming new technologies. Their children - Juliette (16), Myriam's first daughter from a previous marriage, Théo (8) and Mélina (3) - are growing up in the digital age. If they do not have the same uses of Internet and media as their parents, learning is a common adventure that raises different questions at each age. In our association, we like working the webserie with college and high school students because it reflects well the reality of media in our contemporary society.

-The second resource we present is the game The Sims 4. The Sims 4 is a life simulation game. We, the Animation Formation and Free Education (AFFE) Network, we use it to recreate social situations of conflict and even harassment. We take advantage of the game and the avatarization of the characters to take a step back from the dangers of the Web. When we do these workshops, we do them with a psychologist specializing in problematic social relationships. The game then becomes an additional space for exchange with the person, without replacing the always necessary conversation. With The Sims 4, the proximity to reality seems to be stronger than in other games because of its very purpose: the daily life. For us, it is important to have a certain realism: the couple/family, school/work, friends/acquaintances, the day/night rhythm, the personalization of the living space/creation of the characters. This game allows to observe the behaviors that players make their Sims adopt. It is a true experimental device of social practices which is essential when we want to address problematic social behaviors. Moreover, the game is a tool to tell infinite stories without trauma.

-"Les Clés des Médias" series produced by CLÉMI's Studios won the Information Media Education Award at the Journalism Forum. These short videos allow students to address many media-related themes: advertising in the media, freedom of expression and its limits, social networks, the job of a journalist, the right to the image, the digital law, personal data, stereotypes in the media. With Fama, Lea, Leonard, Camel, Romain, Cindy, Fama, the Troupomé's college students in whom we can recognize ourselves, we discover how work the media, their goals, their constraints, their political positions about international/national events. "Vinz and Lou", producted by Internet Sans Crainte is similar than "Les Clés des Médias" except that we are into a family and it covers topics other than media literacy and media education. We, Animation Formation and Free Education (AFFE) Network, we don't usually use this resource because whereas "Les Clés des Médias, "Vinz et Lou" is aimed more at children and pre-teens. It's more interesting to use these videos in the family field as complement of classroom activities during these two events Internet Safer Day or Day against Bullying.

Media Literacy

Media Literacy

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