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Week of the Press and Media in Schools (SEPMÉ)

The Week of the Press and Media in Schools (SEPMÉ) carried by the Liaison Center for Media Education (ÉMI) at the national field is a week in March that aims to help students, from gradeschool to high school to:

-understand and decipher the world of media

-learn to verify sources and information

-develop a taste for news in general

-develop their taste for news in general

-forge their identity as a citizen.

Understanding how information is produced in the current geopolitical context is indeed crucial for young people to be able to exercise their critical thinking in the information flows to which they are subjected. To accompany children and teenagers in their development as enlightened citizens is one of the major challeges of IME.








As we have already seen the objectives, the process and the evaluation of the workshops in the section "Information Media Education (IME) Workshops", we are going to focus more on 3 pedagogical tools: "Classe Investigation" and "Médiasphères". Before using any pedagogical tool, we launch the debate around the posters of the Week of Press and Media in Schools (SEPMÉ) which are different every year.










-"Classe investigation" is a game for media and information literacy. It was developed by the MediaLab working group, composed of teachers and journalists, and CLÉMI's Studio division. Students are immersed in an immersive journalistic investigation. From a Breaking News, they must ask themselves the right questions: Who, When, When, How, Why (the famous 5W). Then, at each clue, they discover sources more or less fiable. It's up to us to select, sort them out, cross-reference them before hierarchize them. They transcribe the information they discover via text, audio and video to finally produce a journalistic content (print or digital format). At the end of the game, they can compare their work with that of professional journalists. The different scenarios allow them to work on the way information is produced: hierarchy of information, choice of sources, responsibility of the journalist, constraints of the occupation... Each time, a debriefing phase follows the game. It's a game what we, Animation Formation and Free Education (AFFE) Network, we'll be able to animate as gamemaster after a short formation. We think we'll propose this for associative workshops of 1h30.










-"Médiasphères" is a pedagogical mediation tool, designed in the form of a board game, allowing to organize reflections, discussions, mini-debates on the notions and concepts related to digital issues and the use of social networks. This board game permits to get out the traditional patterns of the school and break the teacher/student hierarchy for a while. It also includes role-playing exercises to remind people of good practices on the Internet. Co-produced by CLÉMI's and Canopé's Network, it offers a moment of collective reflection on media and information literacy and moral and civic education. The goal is to propose to children, teenagers, young people and the not so young, exchanges generated by the questions of the game which will allow the participants to speak about situations they may have experienced. By listening to the answers of the teams, the game master (teacher, educator, principal education advisor, education assistant, health personnel, animator, etc.) will use the elements proposed in the accompanying booklet to lead the debates, complete the players' answers, clarify the vocabulary and the different notions evoked and remind the law.

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